Jesus In My Cup

God & Coffee

Welcome to the God & Coffee section of SheIsQuiet!

There are two things I love: God and my coffee. I love coffee so much that most times I drink it strong and black, like my man. If I wake up feeling like I’ve been hit by a freight train, I go straight to the Keurig before even brushing my teeth…

Anyway, I’ve noticed that my love for coffee can sometimes overshadow my love for God. More often than not, at the crack of dawn, I’ll have my coffee cup in hand while yelling for the hundredth time for Uno and Scrappy-Doo to get up so we can get the day started. By the time my head hits the pillow for hibernation, I’m whispering to myself, "I’ll do my Bible study tomorrow morning." Then days go by without spending time with God until Sunday morning at church. I know I’m not the only one.

When I do have morning devotion, I notice that, regardless of how the day goes, I’m at peace and centered. And on the days I don’t, there’s a clear distinction—not in the way life moves, because life does its own thing—but in how I move.

So, in my efforts to recommit to many things in my life, I want to recommit myself to opening God’s word and cultivating the relationship that I so desperately need. And I want to take you on this journey with me.

We’re going to dive into some Bible study strategies and meditate on scriptures to get us through the week. And the amazing thing is, I’m married to my Pastor, so if we have any questions, we can bug him.

I’m still gonna have my coffee, but Jesus will be in that cup!


The Bible - It Ain’t Just Some Book


You Got Your Coffee, Now Come Get This Tea